详情请点击此处~ 用 一个句子 ,形容一个你人生的转捩点,或是对你生活起了影响的一件事。这件事必须与水有关(任何水的形态都行)。 以下: I was utterly humiliated by the iced chocolate just now when I choked and end up with brown trails coming down my nose.
详情请点击此处~ 简单解释一下,就是以五十个字(不能多也不能少)写出你认为最毛骨悚然、可怕、恐怖的故事。 以下是我的版本: It’s getting colder with every passing second. The pores, even they seemed shut tight. How long was it? That slight movement brings realization, the watch stuck to my wrist; the top frosted over. My lungs hurt from breathing even as I huddled near the door, too tired from the screaming.