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Showing posts from January, 2011


警告: 版主卖弄 不用怀疑,除了《溺爱》之外,全都是清唱版!有一些年代久远、其它的感冒上阵。难听的话,留言“骂”我吧~ *反正应该也不会有人那么好死点击来听罢~ 蹲到角落里去画圈圈...* 结局's back-link to post 点击此处到filefreaks欣赏《结局》 《放弃》 是某次和友人畅饮后的“杰作”;也是敲烂我写词围墙的作品。 《放弃》酒醉的原版 《溺爱》 是黄词来地~ 反感者慎入! 《溺爱》by Eugene “偷吃不抹嘴” 是Eugene最爱用的词~ 《偷吃不抹嘴》 《偷吃不抹嘴》《王子的新衣》版害我大卡文的版本。纯恶搞,无意侵犯版权。 Eugene's Challenge 《付之东流》(暂命名) The Post In Memory of Arvin This song uses Super Junior's "You Are The One" from their album "Super Junior 05". Thus, the melody and the original lyrics obviously belongs to SM Ent and not me. I wrote the Chinese version (which is not a translation to the original Korean lyrics) in a trance and didn't know until it was completed. However, I recorded this voice version in memory of my friend Arvin. So, hopefully I didn't infringe anything by doing this. *cross-fingers* The One Fizh's《烟酒》 which distracted me off Eugene's 《放肆!》 提倡酗烟酗酒的《烟酒》 Fiona's 《思念》 被我改得体无完肤的 《思念》 为了响应 NEA Eco Music Challenge 201...